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The books of fascinating Ogaron realm, where you can find amazing creatures, corageous heroes and heorines, and dive into adventures full of danger and fun.

Daniel and the Dragon Book (Daniel and the Mysteries book 1)

This isn't a typical story about a knight slaying a dragon and saving a princess. No, it's a totally unusual story about a young boy from a wild tribe, Daniel, who travels the world through dangerous places, to catch a dragon of wisdom, look in the fire of wisdom and by that way, possess wisdom. The clever boy who loves reading and writing, writes a Dragon Book to help him explore the dragons and find the one he searches for. It's a story of amazing will, perseverance, wisdom, and love. Will Daniel gain wisdom? Or will he fail in his task? Read the book to find out. 

The book was originally written in Georgian by 16 years old author and translated to English by author herself. 

The picture belongs to an amazing artist, Tatiana Makeeva, a. k. a. tatianamakeeva on

Daniel and the Six Element Dragons (Daniel and the Mysteries book 2)
ISBN: B015RF4N50

Daniel, now the king of Dragharon, the kingdom of dragons, discovers that there exist five element dragons other than the dragon of wisdom. There's a person named Black Master who wants to possess all their strength and conquer the world with their powers. Daniel wants to oppose him so he goes on the search for other element dragons, to possess their strength and defeat the Black Master. 

The book is written first in Georgian by 16 years old author and translated to English by author herself.

Daniel and Drago (Daniel and the Mysteries book 3)

King Daniel, Prince Drago and Chief Dick go together on an epic journey to save the Helds and Daniel's father from the Lavadan tribe, who throw their prisoners into the volcano, to their god, the dragon of lava. But Lavadans aren't the only enemy... Will King Daniel deal with royal intrigues? Will he get stabbed in his back? Will he be able to save his father and maintain his kingdom at the same time? Find out how to befriend an enemy together with Daniel von Alden! 

The book was written directly in English by 17 years old Georgian author.

Night Knight

The princess of Lomon kingdom, Lily, doesn't believe in the existence of Night Knight, a warrior who rushes in the sky with his horse in dark night, and helps those in need. But one day, a miracle happens, that completely changes Lily's life... 

The book was originally written in Georgian by 17 years old author and translated to English by author herself. 

The picture belongs to Aurelien, a.k.a eldacar-elfinan, a wonderful artist on

School of Flight
ISBN: B019Y04GE2

In the kingdom of Konon there's a legend about magical school of flight, where people learn how to ride the Pegasus. Little Rosy Danon dreams to find this school, while her parents and elder sister don't believe in its existence. Rosy quarrels with parents and sister and goes to search the school alone. The middle sister, Ellie, runs after Rosy and follows her on her journey, to make sure she stays safe. They head to the snowy mountain behind which they expect to see the legendary school of flight... 

The story was written directly in English by 17 years old Georgian author. 

The cover picture belongs to Darek Zabrocki, a. k. a. daRoz, a wonderful artist on

The Oracle

The oracle of Ogaron speaks the words of the god, but it's forbidden for him to leave the cloister for the cycle of oracles not to intermit. But once, with a wonderful woman beside, he decides to leave his home and explore the outside world, although, the monks notice he has escaped and when he gets back, they declare to him that the cycle of oracles has terminated because of him leaving the cloister. The oracle falls in despair, how can he save the cycle? Apparently, he will need his friends' support... 

The book has been written directly in English by 17 years old Georgian author.

I am Held

Heldic tribe has two classes - the higher class (aristocrats), who engage in battles and defend their lands, and the lower class (plebeians), who do work and aren't allowed to fight, although the motto of the Heldic tribe is "I am warrior, I am Held". The higher class Helds call the lower class "Serons", which means "Zeroes" in Danadonian, their language. 
One day, a young Seron girl, Wolvena Nillin, decides that she should fight for her rights, and she, as well as all other plebeians, should be allowed to defend Heldic lands. 
Wolvena's dream is to at least once see King Daniel the Magnificent and Prince Drahtar, the king and prince of Dragharon, the kingdom of dragons. She counts them as her heroes, because Daniel was the one who ended the war between Draghars and Helds, and Drahtar ended the war between Helds and Lavadans. As the wars are over and Heldic tribe became peaceful, the girl believes that there should be made changes in their traditions too. 
Will Wolvena be able to achieve her goals and change Heldic life? Or will she fail? Read the book to find out! 

The book is written directly in English by 17 years old Georgian author. 

The picture belongs to Leonardo, a. k. a. dleoblack, a wonderful artist on

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